Case study:
Bedford College, Brundtland Building
Bedford College, Brundtland Building
The remodelling and refurbishment of the existing single storey construction workshop.
The centre was being developed to create an enlarged workshop at the east end of the building and the roof in this section was also raised to facilitate new MMC machinery.
The project also included the over cladding and re-roofing of the whole workshop block.
July 2021
Ashe Construction Ltd
Add architect
Works carried out
Full mechanical preparation, repairs to existing substrate followed by application of a new chemically resistant and slip resistant resin floor screed for the buildings new workshop floor.
“Diverse Screed & Resin Contractors have undertaken a large number of projects on behalf of Ashe Construction over the past 4 years. The projects are varied and range from Commercial & Industrial, Education, Leisure & Motor Dealerships. The level of service provided and the quality of the work consistently delivered has resulted in Diverse securing the majority of projects Ashe undertake.”
Kevin Morris - Senior Design Manager, Ashe Construction